Valkyrie Canada - Items tagged as "Clickers"

Valkyrie Canada
Valkyrie Canada products are a combination of some of the worlds leading body jewelry companies and brands as well as some of our very own pieces. We strive to bring you jewelry for all budgets and tastes while always keeping quality as the main focus.
View all 00g 0g 1/2 inch 10.5mm 10g 10mm 11.5mm 11mm 12.5mm 12g 12mm 13.5 13mm 14g 14k 14k gold 14mm 15.5mm 15mm 16g 16mm 17.5mm 17mm 18.5mm 18g 18k 18k gold 18k gold pvd 18mm 19mm 1g 20g 20mm 21mm 22mm 24mm 27mm 28mm 2g 31mm 4g 5mm 6.5mm 6g 6mm 7.5mm 7mm 8g 8mm 9mm acrylic acrylic barbell acrylic bead acrylic circular acrylic curved barbell acrylic navel acrylic plug acrylic ring acrylic straight barbell acrylic tunnel amber amethyst barbell barbells bead beads belly belly clicker bioplast bioplast labret bioplast nose black pvd black pvd crescent bone Bone hangers bone tunnels captive cartilage chain chains charm charms circular citrine clickers cobalt chromium cocr conch crescent crescents and stretchers curved barbells dainty daith dark afghan tourmaline dermal diamond ear ear chain ear hangers ear stud earhoops earring earrings earstuds end of stock external external barbell externally threaded eyebrow flat back flatback forward helix genuine stones gold gold clickers gold pvd gold pvd barbell gold pvd crescent gold threadless grab bag grab bags grabbag hanging chain heart helix hoop hoops horn horn hangers horn plugs horn tunnels horseshoe industrial insertion taper internal internal barbell internally threaded internally threaded ends internally threaded gold internally threaded post jewelled bead labret lip lobe lobes medusa metal plugs metal tunnel metal tunnels micro barbell monroe navel navel jewel navel jewels nipple nipples nose nose chain nose screw nose stud nostril On Sale opa opal organic organic plugs organic tunnels peridot philtrum pigtail plug pvd barbell pyrex Pyrex crescents and stretchers Pyrex plugs pyrex tunnels real sapphire retainer ring rings and circulars rook rose gold rose gold clicker rose gold pvd rose gold pvd ear stud sapphire screw on bead segment ring sep septum shell shell hangers silicone silicone plug silicone tunnel solid gold clicker solid gold ring songea sapphire stainless stainless barbell stainless external barbell stainless internal barbell stainless navel stainless nose stainless steel crescent stainless steel rings stainless steel stretchers stainless straight barbell stainless stretcher steel clickers steel crescents and stretchers Steel stretcher stone plugs straight barbell straight barbells stretcher taper threadless Threadless ends threadless labret threadless post threadless taper titanium titanium barbell titanium barbells titanium bead titanium clickers titanium curved barbell titanium gold pvd titanium gold threadless pvd titanium internally threaded titanium labret titanium navel titanium nose titanium nose screw titanium rings titanium threadless titanium threadless end tongue topaz tragus tunnel tunnels Valkyrie Canada white gold wood wood hangers wood plug wood plugs wood tunnels yellow gold yellow gold pvd
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